I have a correction to make... which makes me a little sad because it means I haven't been doing as well as I thought I was doing. Last Wednesday's 3 mile run where I thought I was averaging a 7:30-8:30 minute mile? Yeah, that never happened. I've been running the same route for the last 2 weeks and every time I would finish, my GPS tracker would say 2.03 miles. And each time I was averaging about a 9 minute mile. So that made me start thinking... Where the heck did that 3 mile, 7 minute mile come from? So, I went back and looked closer at my route:
Do you see that? I may run with a little stop and go, but I do not run skeewompus like that. So, apparently the GPS had been reading that run all wrong, and there I was thinking I was fast like a gazelle. So here I sit, back at square one with the realization that getting back into running is hard. And knowing that I've been capable of so much more before makes starting down at the bottom even harder. But, little by little I will progress, and little by little I will reach the goals I have been striving to accomplish. And that's what I have to remind myself of everyday. That a little bit of effort, everyday, is all it takes.
Distance: 2.00 miles
Time: 20:07 minutes
Average PPM: 9 something.