Friday, May 30, 2014

Little by Little

I have a correction to make... which makes me a little sad because it means I haven't been doing as well as I thought I was doing. Last Wednesday's 3 mile run where I thought I was averaging a 7:30-8:30 minute mile? Yeah, that never happened. I've been running the same route for the last 2 weeks and every time I would finish, my GPS tracker would say 2.03 miles. And each time I was averaging about a 9 minute mile. So that made me start thinking... Where the heck did that 3 mile, 7 minute mile come from? So, I went back and looked closer at my route:
Do you see that? I may run with a little stop and go, but I do not run skeewompus like that. So, apparently the GPS had been reading that run all wrong, and there I was thinking I was fast like a gazelle. So here I sit, back at square one with the realization that getting back into running is hard. And knowing that I've been capable of so much more before makes starting down at the bottom even harder. But, little by little I will progress, and little by little I will reach the goals I have been striving to accomplish. And that's what I have to remind myself of everyday. That a little bit of effort, everyday, is all it takes.

Distance: 2.00 miles
Time: 20:07 minutes
Average PPM: 9 something.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Run

Well, it's Memorial Day and I was hoping to sleep in (which is really only like 7:30 or 8:00 with a 1 year old - and that's if you're lucky), but Kirk had to leave for work at 6:40 so a 5:45 wake-up call it was. Lucky for me, I couldn't sleep last night so I was up at 4:30 with a full hour to sit and imagine my morning run. Great.

My run this morning was good. I'm getting just a little stronger each time, but it's still of heck of a climb. But I love the way it makes me feel and the confidence it restores, helping me remember that I AM capable of doing hard things. I think that's why I fell in love with running in the first place. It just makes me feel good.

I LOVED running into Sarah this morning. It was so nice to see that I wasn't the only crazy person up early getting in a run. She's such a great friend and has always been my little running buddy. She motivates me to stay fit when pregnancy #2 happens and to not wait as long as I did after Jack to start a regular workout routine. I love friends like her.

Distance 2.03 miles
Time: 23 minutes
Average PPM: 8:33

Friday, May 23, 2014

Womp Womp...

I think exhaustion best describes today's run. After a night of feeling pretty crappy, waking up and going running wasn't the first thing I wanted to do. But I made myself get out and go, and I'm glad I did, but it certainly was not the best run I've done. My average pace slowed down quite a bit and I ended up walking probably 1/2 mile. But in the end, isn't it all about lengthening your stride and keep on keepin' on? So - yay for those accomplishments, and here's to tomorrow's long run. 

Distance: 2.04 miles
Time: 22:32 minutes
Average PPM: 10:33

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 2

Well here we are. Day 2. I've got to say, I'm surprised that I'm picking it back up so quickly. I mean, it's not easy by any means, but it's not as hard as I anticipated I guess. My pace is quicker than I thought and my ability to run distance without tiring very fast is good. My goal with every run is to run just a street further than the time before. Today, I stopped running a street before where I did last time (oops), but I was also running a whole minute/mile faster than last time. Also, I picked up and started running again after resting for a few streets, so I'd say there is some accomplishment there. So here's hoping that in 4 months, I can PR and show myself that I CAN run after a baby.

Today for breakfast is another green smoothie. These things are seriously the best. And for dinner... something healthy? Today is a "think one meal at a time" kind of day. Though I absolutely love it, here's hoping it's not Dominos pizza again (cause that was last night). I think I can, I think I can...

Distance: 3.08 miles
Time 22:34 minutes
Average PPM: 7:20

Monday, May 19, 2014

Back to Basics

Well, I did it. I signed up for my first half marathon in 3 years! I'm not even sure what got into me, but I decided 2 days ago that I was gonna do it and I did it. Today was my first attempt at training. I woke up and got out of the house and tried to get my butt in gear. The first mile of my run felt great! I was actually super surprised. I averaged an 8:30 min/mile - I totally thought I would average closer to a 9:30 or 10:00 min/mile. I guess going to the gym for the past 5 months has helped. The second mile was fine, but it was uphill, so I slowed down a lot. But I did it. That's all that matters to me. 4 months and 11 miles to go!

I also started eating a Whole30/Nutritarian diet a couple months ago and have had some good success since then. Down 10 pounds. But it's been hard to stick to on weekends and holidays so I'm gonna add my thoughts about it here so that I can keep track of it somehow. So, here we go:

This morning I started my day with a yummy green smoothie. I added coconut water, spinach, wheat grass, a banana and an apple, some frozen tropical fruit, and a bit of greek yogurt. I topped it off with a few tablespoons of flax seed. It was delicious!! Tonight - spinach and fruit salad with a strawberry/basil/mint dressing. Yums.

Distance: 2 miles
Time: 20 minutes
Average PPM: 8:30
Whoop whoop!